【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム hand A to B

Drop the device off at the collection desk to the left of the exit, then fill in a brief questionnaire, and hand it to the staff.

hand A to B は、「AをBに手渡す」という意味です。手紙や書類などを手渡しするだけでなく、ビジネスでは、情報や責任、権限などを他の人に移すという意味でも用いられます。

類似の表現としては、pass A to B 。これも「AをBに渡す」という意味で使われますが、hand の方が直接手を使って渡すという意味合いが強くなります。


1. Please hand this document to your classmate.

2. Can you hand me the remote control, please?

3. She handed the keys to her sister before leaving.

4. The teacher handed out the test papers to the students.

5. He reached out his hand to help the old lady cross the street.

6. Please hand in your homework by tomorrow.

7. The police officer asked the suspect to hand over his weapon.

8. The employee handed the project proposal to his supervisor.

9. The waitress handed the menu to the customers and took their orders.

10. The company president handed over his position to his successor.