【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム arrive at

Will they arrive at Azuma Station at 9:39 a.m. and then take a taxi to the school?

arrive atは、「~に到着する」という意味ですが、実際にはさまざまな意味を持っています。このイディオムは、ある状態や結論に達することを表現するために使われます。

具体的には、ある問題や意見について考え抜いた結果を得ることや、ある答えや結論にたどり着くことを指します。例えば、「I arrived at the decision to study abroad.(私は留学するという結論に達した)」や、「After much thought, he arrived at the conclusion that it was best to quit his job.(じっくり考えた末、彼は仕事を辞めることが最善だと結論づけた)」などがあります。


類似の表現としては、「reach a conclusion(結論に達する)」や、「come to a decision(決断する)」などがあります。これらの表現も、「arrive at」と同様に、考え抜いた結果や意見に達することを表現します。


1. We arrived at the station just in time to catch the last train.

2. After a long journey, they finally arrived at their destination.

3. The team arrived at a unanimous decision after a thorough discussion.

4. She arrived at the conclusion that studying abroad would be beneficial for her future.

5. The researchers arrived at a groundbreaking discovery in the field of medicine.

6. They arrived at the theater early to secure good seats for the concert.

7. After a long hike, they finally arrived at the mountain peak and enjoyed the breathtaking view.

8. He arrived at the decision to pursue a career in music after years of playing various instruments.

9. The detective arrived at the truth by carefully examining the evidence.

10. They arrived at the understanding that teamwork was essential for the success of the project.