【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム come up to

Despite what you may expect, certain ocean animals will come right up to you.

come up to は「~に近づく」という意味です。その他にも、期待されていた水準や基準に達するという意味でも使われます。

達するという意味の類似の表現として、「live up to」や「measure up to」というイディオムがあります。例えば、「He lived up to his reputation(彼は評判に恥じない成績を上げた)」や「She measures up to the job(彼女はその仕事に適任だ)」というように使われます。


1. She came up to me and introduced herself.

2. The dog came up to the stranger, wagging its tail.

3. The project didn’t come up to our expectations.

4. His performance didn’t come up to the standards required for the competition.

5. I saw the train coming up to the platform just as I arrived at the station.

6. The child came up to his mother and hugged her tightly.

7. The temperature finally came up to 30 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

8. The movie didn’t come up to my expectations, but it was still enjoyable.

9. I’m waiting for the elevator to come up to the 10th floor.

10. The new smartphone didn’t come up to the advertised features.