【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム take advantage of

In fact, a large number of U.S.companies are already taking advantage of digital platforms to employ an international workforce.
(実際、多くの米国企業がすでにデジタル プラットフォームを活用して国際的な労働力を雇用しています。)

「take advantage of」は、「~を利用する、活用する」といった意味になります。


「take advantage of」に類似する表現として、「make the most of」という表現があります。これも同じように「最大限に利用する」という意味です。

「take advantage of」はある機会や状況を利用することに焦点を当てていますが、「make the most of」は限られた資源や時間を最大限に活用することに焦点を合わせています。


1. Many students take advantage of the school library to study after classes.

2. Sarah decided to take advantage of the sale to buy a new laptop.

3. Mark always tries to take advantage of every opportunity to improve his English.

4. We should take advantage of the beautiful weather and go for a hike this weekend.

5. The company decided to take advantage of social media to promote their products.

6. Although he had limited resources, he managed to take advantage of his skills to start a successful business.

7. In order to save money, Jane would often take advantage of discounts and coupons while shopping.

8. Despite his busy schedule, he managed to take advantage of his lunch breaks for a quick workout.

9. The students were encouraged to take advantage of the online resources provided by the school for research projects.

10. Although the language barrier was a challenge, they managed to take advantage of gestures and expressions to communicate effectively.