【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム place emphasis on

The two main afternoon locations, the aquarium and botanical garden, are good ideas because both schools place emphasis on science education, and the purpose of this program is to improve the scientific knowledge of the students.
(両校が科学教育に重点を置いており、このプログラムの目的が生徒の科学的知識を向上させることであるため、午後の 2 つの主な場所、水族館と植物園は良いアイデアです。)

「place emphasis on」は「~に重点を置く」という意味です。

「place emphasis on」に類似する表現としては、「emphasize」や「focus on」などがあります。「place emphasis on」の方がややフォーマルな表現です。


1. It’s important to place emphasis on regular exercise for maintaining good health.

2. The teacher placed emphasis on the significance of vocabulary in language learning.

3. The company places emphasis on creating a positive work environment for its employees.

4. The article places emphasis on the impact of technology on modern society.

5. The presentation placed emphasis on the advantages of renewable energy sources.

6. The history lesson placed emphasis on the events leading to World War II.

7. The coach placed emphasis on teamwork and cooperation for the success of the sports team.

8. The novel places emphasis on the protagonist’s inner struggles and personal growth.

9. The art exhibition places emphasis on the artist’s use of vibrant colors and bold strokes.

10. The educational program places emphasis on fostering creativity and critical thinking skills in students.