【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】動詞 imply

What does this imply?

imply は、「~をほのめかす」「~を暗示する」という意味です。例えば、「彼の言葉からは、彼はその計画に反対していることがほのめかされている」というように、間接的な意味を伝える場合に「imply」が使われます。

混同しやすい表現に suggest(示唆する)があります。suggest は、例えば、「彼は私たちに旅行先を提案しました」のように明確に提案や示唆をすることを意味し、具体的なアイデアや意見を述べる場合に使用されます。


1. His remark implied that he had already made up his mind.

2. The painting’s title implies a deeper meaning behind the artist’s brushstrokes.

3. The detective’s questioning seemed to imply that he knew more than he was letting on.

4. Her hesitant tone implied that she was unsure about the decision.

5. The politician’s speech subtly implied that he would be running for re-election.

6. The teacher’s comments implied that the student’s performance had room for improvement.

7. The advertisement implied that using their product would lead to instant success.

8. The painting’s composition subtly implied a sense of tranquility and peace.

9. The author’s choice of words implied a sense of urgency and importance.

10. The lack of response implied that they were not interested in the proposal.